The Brand Plan

Trade your brand identity crisis for rock-solid clarity and a marketing plan built from that brand.

An 8-week group coaching-meets-course framework designed to unearth a brand that informs everything you do in business, especially marketing.

rachael leigh presents

Oh, I totally fired up this business to be invisible and unoriginal with a super basic brand - Said no creative. EVER

You know all the freebies and IG posts declaring the solution to being invisible is by speaking from your voice, owning your differences, and not *only* sharing your undying love for coffee? 

"✓ my brand identity crisis is now entirely resolved - NOT"

The glaring problem here:

It’s like every resource you’ve scoured to help you remedy feeling entirely lost leaves you with even more questions,
morphing you into a dog chasing after her own tail

- “Okay, but like HOW do I find my voice?”
- “Is there a secret to knowing your differences and everyone has it except me?”
- “And WHAT else other than my caffeine addiction inclination and kiddos [or dog] do I share to make my brand personal?”

So, the spin cycle resumes.

Dizzily creating content to keep up with that monstrous algorithm.
Cross your fingers that the right clients find your work, love it, & book you.

And bid adieu to precious hours of your time to promote a brand you didn’t feel 100% comfortable wearing in the first place. 

*throws arms in the air* - there must be more than this provincial life!

Those give you 1/3 of the REAL solution while making you painfully aware of what you lack.

*resurfaces from mining the explore page*

- rachael leigh

"Defining your brand is more a work of observation than invention."

Stats show that 82% of consumers want to buy from brands whose values align with their own. Meaning the things that matter most to you, likely matter to your ideal clients, too.

88% of consumers hinge their support on authenticity.
So, any work you do to have marketing strategies that originate in your brand vision, values and strengths will only create more of the true authenticity that everyone in this copy/paste and ai generation is craving.

All the stats aside.

Friend, you carry unique strengths and perspectives inside you.

You operate from your own values, worldviews, and vision on a 24/7, 365 basis without consciously thinking about it.

Which according to the stats - is the perfect mixture for a brand that draws in the people who will both fill your quotas and your cup in the process.

Everything you need to build a thriving brand is already inside of you

here's the thing they don't tell you

"Going through The Brand Plan walked me through the deep work I knew I needed to do in my business, but didn't know how."

Dennah Renee, 2023 TBP Alum
Brand Photographer & Business Coach

the full case study >>

"It’s made me a more confident and a more relaxed business owner since I completely understand who I am, how I can serve others, and where I want to go from here. I feel like I’m done having to hustle to figure it all out."

Lisa Kathan, 2022 TBP Alum
Brand & Tiny Wedding Photographer

case study >>

Blank screen, blinking cursor, and still not knowing what content to write. Doom-scrolling expert tips? Already tried that.

Burnt out from consistently creating content that gets 0 engagement & lost in the void

Your brand? It feels like wearing low-rise jeans. Comfortable, pssh. Confidence, you kidding. Heck, is it even making me look good?

Crash-tested all the hottest trends only to realize that doing the next big thing keeps you on a hamster wheel of pleasing people who don't even buy from you

sound familiar?


brand plan


This 8-week program meshes course-work with group coaching to take your brand out of the four corners of your mind & into a tangible identity you can put on and carry throughout your business. 

That brand breeds the foundation for a marketing plan crafted from your strengths and perspective to draw in the clients you adore - all while staying off the hustle hamster wheel.



- 4 Cohort Zoom Calls
- One 1:1 Call with Rachael
- Voxer Office Hours
+ Voxer Group for Masterminding and Community
- Brand Module: trainings, workbook, & guide
- Marketing Module: trainings, workbook, & guide
- [YOUR] BRAND PLAN Template


okay coach, gimme the specs



BONUS: Instagram & reels trainings with Corrin Jasinski

-katrina of lindale studios

It was hands down the best course I've ever taken!

Artist & 2023 TBP Alum

Artist & 2023 TBP Alum

"She brings structure and order to what can feel like creative chaos. It's different, magical,  impressive and albeit, an enigma."

Kathy Young,
Rekindle Communications

"She had a genuine enthusiasm and for what I'm trying to create and I felt like she was another person on my team."

Rachael Adams,
Olympian & Mentor

I walked away feeling confident and have a plan that will work FOR me. Plus, the 1:1 time with Rachael was very valuable!

I was frustrated, confused, and SO tired of not knowing where to start and what to do. I wanted to be a business owner with a plan that made sense for that worked for me that wasn't just a copy of everyone else and what was popular at the moment. I needed to work through not only my brand but what I wanted it to be. I needed to take a deep look at WHO I was marketing too, before I made a plan.  

I get it.

Courses can feel like someone handing you a solution & saying “aight, now go it alone”. And that works for the first few years and problems you face in biz and when refining your craft.

Now that you're more established, you've finally got the brain space to pay attention to all those burning, existential questions:

"What makes me uniquely qualified to do/offer this?"
"How do I actually make this all sustainable longterm?
"But. Who would I be if I pivoted from being [xyz]?"

So, instead of TBP being a course. It's more like a map for your journey.

not another course, rach. I've already spent thousandsss on those 💸

there's a lot of racket in this industry, so if your thoughts are auto-playin somethin like

“Everyone I know has a purpose that's like so inspiring.
And a journal full of the deepest desires of their ideal client.
And their differentiators? - So clear.

And me? I've still just got, coffee. Like, what am I missing here?"

*pauses tape* - You just tuned into a direct line from my brain about three years ago. [Okay, not really. A recording of imposter syndrome-induced thoughts would be mildly terrifying.]

The thing I didn't know then that I do now is that I was looking for my brand in all the wrong places. 

It wasn't until I paused, picked up a shovel, and dug down that I began gaining ground on the type of understanding it took to put words to the things that now make up my brand and provide clarity for my marketing strategy.

And in TBP, I'll walk you through the same series of strategies and tough questions I answered to get to where I am now - but hold the side of crisis and save you a few years.

This type of digging is the first step toward a brand [and therein marketing tactics] built to outlast the fads and become fertile ground for you to grow your biz on now and for years to come.

I'm Rachael & I've had my own existential-brand-crisis

put my name on the list

meet your brand plan guide

“I've had been searching for more answers to why I do what I do and how to communicate that to an ideal audience. It's safe to say TBP made me infinitely more capable of doing so in the months and years to come."

Abby Lynne, 2023 TBP Alum
Graduate & Family Photographer

FUll case study >>

  here's the full schedule                    

here's the full schedule


weeks one - three

brand identity

Access to Brand WORKBOOK & Companion Guide


Week one is welcome week, with coffee chat to meet your cohort pals. Then week 3 kicks off mastermind call one which is all about further refining your brand identity. 

Video trainings + workbook and companion guide that'll allow you to see the form of your brand where before there was just a muddy lump of clay.

2 cohort calls

01. messaging: Cultivate a Memorable Brand Story

All about how-to write your own brand story so that you leave with refined  brand messaging and something to cmnd+v right to your about page.

In this training, Kathy dives into the specifics for identifying and refining your brand's voice so all your words feel like your clients are chatting with an old friend.

02. Craft a Brand Voice Your Audience Will Cozy Up To

weeks four & five

marketing Strategy

COURSE Access to marketing WORKBOOK & Companion Guide

Call Three is more tactical. Further refining your marketing strategies + Q&A about specific tactics and platforms. + Corrin will be joining us for a bonus Instagram Q&A session.

This module guides you through how to set-up a marketing system informed by your new brand that works in harmony with your strengths & audience preference.

cohort call + bonus q&a

+ bonus editorial calendar template

This Google sheets template is the one I use to plan out and organize my own content as well as one I've customized for freelance marketing clients.

weeks six - eight

pull it all together


This final call will be our last hoorah as a group to affirm how far you've come & where you're headed next. 🎉


+ YOUR BRAND PLAN fillable template

A Canva template to house your completed brand & marketing strategies (+ a Google Doc version)


Together we'll connect any remaining dots and put the final touches on the content for your Brand Plan.

02. The Power of Repurposing

01. The Instagram Triangle

Let's rewire how we think about Instagram because, believe it or not, the algorithm isn't out to get you. In these two training sessions, Corrin will teach you how to post strategically and utilize your content to grow exponentially.

AKA we are going to learn how to work smarter, not harder. Who's with me?

+ ig BONUS TRAININGS WITH corrin jasinski

case study

"It’s affected the way I show up as a team lead, for clients, and even on a personal level as a mom and a wife, because it really forced me to think about the things that really matter."

Read The rest of Amber's Story

"She brings structure and order to what can feel like creative chaos. It's different, magical,  impressive and albeit, an enigma."

Kathy Young,
Rekindle Communications

"She had a genuine enthusiasm and for what I'm trying to create and I felt like she was another person on my team."

Rachael Adams,
Olympian & Mentor

I keep a copy of my Brand Plan workbook with me pretty much everywhere I go and it just helps me to think through decisions that I have to make in the business to make sure that I’m making them from a place that resonates with the business and with the clients that I work with and the clients that I’m trying to reach.

payment plan

option one

3 payments of


all up front

option two




one time payment of

the brand plan

select the plan that works for you


^^ Choosing from that list? Feels like selecting a meal off a novel-length menu that has too many options - anxiety-ridden and overwhelming. Like waiter, why does sharing about my business have to be this mind-boggling?

It starts with unearthing your foundation of vision, purpose, strengths, and values.

Then defining who your target audience really is by skipping the bland idc profiles and digging into how your value systems intersect, what parts of your why become the mantra they’ll also take up, and more that allow you to generate a brand that feels personal to you and them.

Once that's set, we’ll dive into what a sustainable marketing strategy actually looks like. Think trading hustle and trend-focused tactics for sustainable rhythms that account for your life, strengths, and audience preference.

These rhythms are designed to ebb and flow with time, the main goal being a benchmark to achieve rather than a hard fast goal to fail or succeed at.

So, TBP acts as a permission slip, granting you the means & time to make your brand tangible

& use that to confidently craft an entire marketing plan

*joins waitlist*

The amount of places & ways to market your business effectively online is endless

An understanding of your business's purpose (why) & HOW that influences your marketing and, really, your entire biz

Knowing WHAT makes your business different & HOW to articulate that to attract the type of clients you enjoy working with

A new approach to marketing that plays to your unique strength makeup & only includes the trends that make sense for you to leverage

An actual marketing system to implement in your business right away, empowering you to show up consistently & authentically

Confidence in knowing your brand's story & how to invite others to be a part of it

YOUR Brand Plan - a document that details out your Brand Identity  + your customized approach to Marketing that is directly influenced by your brand


you'll walk away with:


What am I going to learn?

Inside of TBP, you'll find:

- A framework to unearth the WHAT & WHY of your brand & boot that idea of chronic “re-branding”
- Tools to discover the ultimate purpose behind why you do what you do & how to form that into a mantra for both you & your clients
- A way to know what marketing plays to your unique strengths & works for you and your clients so you can confidently say - “this is what works for me” and not worry about the rest.
- How to identify who your people (target audience) really are and what marketing strategies you need to use to find them - ps, they’re not all Instagram

why an application?

Building a brand is not easy. And the best way to remedy a whole lot of that hard is by growing alongside others who are in a similar season of business to you! Taking applications allows me to curate the cohort and ensure that the right members are paired together for each round.

how long will it run?

The program officially kicks off with course access and a welcome call the week of March 18th! And will run through to the final send off the week of April 29th! 

why a Cohort?

Growing a solid brand isn’t for the faint of heart. The cohort provides a community to cheer you one when you get stuck, help mastermind the right words to say what you really mean, and be the accountability to push you through.

All this is one of the biggest reasons why The Brand Plan isn’t just a course or a 1:1 program. Not only will I [Rachael] be there to guide you through specific portions of the framework, you’ll also have your cohort who is journeying this road right alongside you. 

Should I do TBP before working with a brand photographer or copywriter?

Short answer, yes. The Brand Plan helps you define the foundational elements of your brand that vendors like copywriters, designers, and brand photographers need to know in order to see your brand as you do. If you don't already have that stuff defined, it can make it difficult for you to answer their questionnaires with cohesion.