One thing I’ve learned is that not all education events are created equal. And they’re not all for me. But let me tell ya, there hasn’t been one. Not one event or course or anything where Katelyn James was educating that I left disappointed. Last Tuesday, I got to sit in a room of 400 other photographers who have been on a “Business Journey” together this year with Katelyn James! Each month she’s released new content to us that has helped us to really hone in and not just be good photographers, but thriving business owners! And while I wasn’t able to stay completely caught up on everything all the time, I knew that the times I got to sit down and watch the videos and do the homework, I’d always leave having grown in some capacity.
I’ve been so excited for this event since the moment Katelyn announced it! And the anticipation was so real! But yet, it came a whole lost faster than I thought! So fast that I didn’t book my Airbnb until like a week and a half before! ha ha! But thankfully, I wasn’t alone in that and was still able to fill it with a few friends I’d met at past KJ events!
Being in that room was so surreal. And the biggest thing I stood in awe of was God’s goodness. I’ve followed Katelyn and Michael’s journey for quite a few years now and constantly joke that I followed her before I even wanted to be a photographer! The reason why I’ve stuck around for so long is just because she is such an example of how to be an incredible business owner while simultaneously living her life of faith out for her people to see. She never shies away from the subject and gives God all the credit for the good seasons and the hard seasons. So, I knew when I walked into that building on Tuesday, God would be glorified and I’d be learning a whole lot more than just business advice. I think that’s the best thing. Katelyn understands that she can give out lighting tips and social media strategies and help a few people, but she knows that if she allows God to speak into it all, he can change people’s lives! And that’s the greatest example of what happened on Tuesday.
While I could sit here and give you takeaway after takeaway of the things she said, I want to leave you with only one. Katelyn challenged us to “do things different.” We have examples constantly set before us by culture. But what would it look like if we chose not to follow them. At least not completely. What would your life look like if you rose above what’s “normal” and chose to be abnormal. Just a thought.
Enjoy the very few photos I actually took at this photography event! ha ha! And the few captures my friend Grace and I got on our roadtrip home!
Got to finally meet my Insta friend, Hannah Smith! We always joked that if we didn’t get to meet on this side of heaven, we’d meet one day in eternity!
The woman who has inspired me and challenged me so much as both a woman and a business owner! So thankful for the way she leads her community and chases after the heart of God!
Mini reunion from the in-person workshop we all attended in Katelyn’s home last year! Love each and every one of these gals!
My road trip, self-timer and coffee-lovin’ friend, Grace! So thankful to have a travel buddy for this trip!
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