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Bring your brand up to speed with all that growin’ you did in 2024 –while saving time AND $$$

The calendar is cleared to help you finish Q4 strong & step into 2025 confident–like a brand that feels refined, clear, and ready to sell.

How’s that sound?

You needed to get this refresh off your parking lot list, like yesterday

No more goin' it alone–these limited bundles are designed to give you that outside help to make sense of what's inside your brand.

There are 9 spots on the calendar between Dec-Jan to bring your brand into 2025 on the right foot.

Well... umm... I've never done this before, but:




Get Outta Your Own Way Bundle

*insert shrill coach’s whistle here* Time for you to get off the bench and in the game, you stud you. Think of this bundle as the timely mid-game huddle to get you out of the rut and back to scoring on the field.

I'll pull out the digital whiteboard, and we'll spend 60 minutes together masterminding 2-3 major hangups and heartaches in your brand or marketing. Then you’ll have me in ear for the following 48hrs in Voxer to answer Q’s as you take action on the plays we sketched out.

It’s got just the right amount of pep to keep you steppin’ through this season of biz … and into the next.


Coaching Call + 48hr Voxer Access

put me in, coach

- 60 Minute Call
- Questionnaire
- 48hrs Voxer Support
- Recording & Transcript

value: $510



Storylines & Starters Solo Track

Don’t you just love the *effortless vibe* from basically any kitchen set Nancy Meyers designed? Channel that with storylines made from your brand to fit your brain, topped off with a double dose of in-a-zoom-room style 1:1 care that meticulously puzzles through your brand with you to notice the patterns and discern which ones should form the storylines that bring unity to your content.

Think “relaxed fit,” but for your content marketing:
01. Storylines & Starters Course: This 16-minute mini-course gives you the method and workbook to finally settle on YOUR structure for content that feels *natural*. Like it was always meant to flow this way. For more → scour the site.
02. Two 45-Minute Strategy Calls: In session one, we’ll pull up your workbooks and content feeds on screen share to noodle through those patterns you’ve already noticed. Together, we’ll write out your final storylines. Then in session two, you'll leave with your content strategy finished ☑️ plus 3-6 months of content sketched out to guide HOW you’ll put those bad boys to work.
03. 48hr Voxer Support: Then you’ll have me in ear for the following 48hrs in Voxer to answer Q’s as you take action on the plays we sketched out.


S&S MINI Course, 2 strategy Calls, + 48hr voxer access

umm, i need that

- Storylines & Starters
- Two 45min Strategy Calls
- Recording & Transcript
- 48hrs of Voxer Support

value: $890



The Brand Audit

Make sure your brand is ready to stand out top-to-bottom in the year ahead—whether you're just remedying a few gaps, refining to break into a new market, or starting something totally new. This done-in-a-day bundle rolls audits, messaging tools, and 1:1 coaching into one to set your direction for a refined brand as the new year dawns.

Here's The Brand Audit breakdown:

01. Website & Social Audits: A voiceover+screen share game tape breaking down your site and socials. I’ll review your site to flag what needs sprucing and how to fix it fast, then dive into your socials to highlight what to tweak and where you’re already crushing it—so you can double down on that in the New Year.

02. Storylines & Starters Mini Course: This 16-minute mini-course gives you the method and workbook to finally settle on YOUR structure for content that feels *natural*. Like it was always meant to flow this way. For more → scour the site.

03. 90-Minute Strategy Call: With the audits in the rearview and your new storyline drafts on deck, we’ll pull out the digital whiteboard and get to workin’ for 90 minutes on a strategy for specific action. Major hangups and heartaches in your brand–be gone.

04. 48hr Voxer Support: Then you’ll have me in ear for the following 48hrs in Voxer to answer Q’s as you take action on the plays we sketched out.

Website & Social Audit, Voxer Support, S&S, 90-minute Coaching Call


audit my brand

- Website + Social Audits
- Storylines & Starters
- 90-Minute Strategy Call
- 48hrs Voxer Support

value: $1050



Storylines & Starters

The 16 minute mini course that makes your brand bingeable.

join the guild

*Exclusive* group coaching for first 30 students!

The 1:1 really helped me to validate some of the things I was figuring out and connecting about my brand."

Amber W,
The Weghorn Group

You went so far above and beyond, I SO appreciate it, especially in this season of my life.

Ariel K,
Ariel Kuhn Creative

I feel like content creation is so much easier because I have clear messages interwoven through my marketing and brand."

Hannah S,
Hannah Elaine Events

How soon do we start?

Good question, thanks for wondering. 

Yes, I’ll be blocking off time for the Christmas holidays–and so should you! There’s fam and friends to be with!

But. There is margin on the calendar carved out just for you and me to dive headlong into your brand.

There are 4 spots available within the first 2 weeks of December and then we’ll wrap the rest in January.

If I grab one of these spots,

brand photographer, strategist,
& Founder of the brand plan

Hey! I'm Rachael Leigh

I partner with you to build a standalone brand that affords you a life you adore and a lasting foundation for your business to stand on.

Because in order to serve the people you want to serve, you must first be seen. And to be seen, you have to show up — differently and consistently.

You’ll be needing the right tools and strategies to do all that, and that’s where I come in.